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Rust Proofing Our Bodies

RUST PROOFING OUR BODIESAntioxidants, an essential utensil in our anti-aging tool box.What makes the difference between average health and optimal ...

Natural Vs Synthetic Vitamins, What's The Difference?

NATURAL VS SYNTHETIC VITAMINSSupplements can be good for your health and even reduce your risk of death. I recommend taking them.  However, you nee...

The Derrh!!........Principle.

As the broadcaster Edward Murrow once said, “ The obscure we always see sooner or later, the obvious always seems to take a little longer”.    And ...


Let’s start with a BIG…… JUST KIDDING!!The other day, while looking out over the ocean, everything seemed so crisp and clean. I imagined what the a...

Can We Afford Not To Go Organic?

How to solve the world’s most wicked problems. Consider them Solved!The above words are the subtitle of a report published in 2010 that highlight t...